Playdia Wiki
Playdia Wiki

Ninjaboy Rantaro: Gungun Nobiru Chinō Hen (忍たま乱太郎ぐんぐんのびる知能編) is a CD-ROM-based edutainment title for the Playdia console, based on the anime series adapted from the manga by Sōbē Amako (尼子 騒兵衛).[1]


Ninjaboy Rantaro: Gungun Nobiru Chinō Hen was developed by Bandai and was released for the Playdia system on April 24, 1996.[2]



  1. Playdia (Bandai), GeoCities (Japanese). 2012-03-18.
  2. Nintama Rantarou: Gungun no Biru Chinou-Hen – Release Details, GameFAQs. Accessed 2018-08-03.

See also[]

External links[]

Playdia Wiki
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